Occupy to Celebrate: the Resilience of OWS
Saturday 12/3 10:00 am Liberty Sq
We are calling on all occupiers to reenergize our movement, keep Liberty Square active and share ideas about the future! Bishop George Packard, activist/journalist Chris Hedges, and OccupyFaith will be there. The event will celebrate the launch of Tidal, a journal of occupation theory. Plus there will be food, songs, passionate speeches and heart warming stories.
Occupy! How to fit in?
Saturday 12/3 2:00 - 6:00 pm Rutgers Presbyterian Church
A public forum on faith communities and the occupy movement. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Gary Dorrien of Union Theological Seminary and professor Carl Lindskoog and Rev. Dr. Ondrej Stehlik will also speak. The world is changing so find out how to help! Rutgers Presbyterian Church is located at 236 W. 73rd St. just off Broadway.
Past Events:
5:00 pm - Foley Sq
We celebrate with tens of thousands of people as we gather at Foley square, march to our bridges and demand that we get back to work! The celebration will culminate in a festival of light as we mark the two-month anniversary of the #occupy movement!
For more details on subway meet up points check out this flyer or the facebook event.
Resist austerity. Reclaim the economy. Recreate our democracy.
Thursday 11/17 All Day!
7:00 am - Liberty Sq
We will gather at 7:00 a.m., before the ring of the Trading Floor Bell, to confront Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice. There, before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks.
7:00 am - Liberty Sq
We will gather at 7:00 a.m., before the ring of the Trading Floor Bell, to confront Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice. There, before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks.
3:00 pm - Major subway hubs in all boroughs
Throughout the boroughs, we will gather at 7 central subway hubs, to listen to a singular story from one of our hardest-hit and most inspirational neighbors. Then we will take our own stories to the trains, using the "People's Mic". We will rise up from the underground to join thousands of others gathered in the light of day, at Foley Square.
Throughout the boroughs, we will gather at 7 central subway hubs, to listen to a singular story from one of our hardest-hit and most inspirational neighbors. Then we will take our own stories to the trains, using the "People's Mic". We will rise up from the underground to join thousands of others gathered in the light of day, at Foley Square.
We celebrate with tens of thousands of people as we gather at Foley square, march to our bridges and demand that we get back to work! The celebration will culminate in a festival of light as we mark the two-month anniversary of the #occupy movement!
For more details on subway meet up points check out this flyer or the facebook event.
Know Your Rights Training
Monday 11/14 6:15 pm Union Theological Seminary, Room 303
This training for Protest Chaplains will be led by Johanna Miller Esq. from the New York Civil Liberties Union. Pizza and refreshments will be served.